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Diplomacy vs Politics

December, 2021

Some quick thoughts on Office Politics vs Office Diplomacy.

Politics can be a dirty word. Playing office politics is no different. It implies some underhanded behaviour to gain personal favor in the work environment. People who play office politics are trying to put themselves into the best position at the expense of others. A few forms this could take are:

The list goes on but lumping all these actors together under the banner of office politicians is appropriate. The opposite to these folks are the diplomats. The diplomat is generally working towards a solution that benefits as many stakeholders as possible. A few forms this could take are:

Office Diplomacy is hard to pin down because it’s influence is subtle. Office Politics on the other hand is easy to see. We’ve all seen someone play the blame game. We’ve all seen someone take the credit. We’ve all seen someone who loves gossip. Whether it’s done behind closed doors or in the open, office politics has the same effect, it hampers the positive improvement of the work environment.

Action Item:Decide which type of influence you're trying to exert.