Engineered Journals

Invisible Doors

June, 2022

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A person’s career (and life) is all a series of choices.

Each choice is a door into a room of new opportunities. Some doors you can walk back through and others lock on entry. You can choose who you work with, what field you work in and what company you work for. These big doors are easy to see but there are also invisible doors. These doors open and close based on your behavior and habits.

Invisible doors are the most frightening ones. They open or close and you didn’t even know they were there. I’ve seen people have invisible doors shut on them just by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Consider someone who is seen as a Complainer. Think of all the invisible doors that get shut on this person. They’re excluded from important conversations. They’re pushed aside by their coworkers. They’re ignored by their bosses.

Next, consider someone who is seen as a Closer. This is the person you go to when you need something done and not deliberated to death. They have every door open to them even ones they don’t see right away. They’re sought after for their skill, so they have doors open to them not only within their firm but at other firms as well. They get considered for promotions, raises and special positions. They get options.

Invisible doors are the ones I’m most weary of. I’ve seen friends flounder in dismay as doors get closed on them and they don’t know why. It’s usually a result of behaviors. Beware of the Invisible Doors. Close too many of these and your career (and life) could end up stuck in an empty room.